
Maryland Department Of Transportation – State Highway Administration

Crash Magic

Our Winning Award

AlxTel is feeling excited to announce that we won Crash Magic contract award for amount $17,504.00. Crash Magic (CM) is a graphic display and data summary package designed for use in safety management systems for analysis of crash data. CM is interactive, offering detailed collision diagrams, data retrieval, crash summaries, statistical output, and user specified graphic displays.

Contract Title: Crash Magic

Winning Award
Award date

Award Date
Mar 28, 2023

Award amount

Award Amount

Start date

Start Date
June 01, 2023

End date

End Date
May 31, 2024

Maryland Department of Transportation

The Maryland Department of Transportation MDOT MDOT is an organization comprised of five business units and one Authority. They are: The Secretary’s Office, MDOT State Highway Administration, MDOT Maryland Transit Administration, MDOT Motor Vehicle Administration, MDOT Maryland Port Administration, MDOT Maryland Aviation Administration and the Maryland Transportation Authority. This unique approach provides the state’s leadership with the ability to develop a coordinated and balanced approach to transportation.

The Maryland Department of Transportation presents six goals that support the achievement of MDOT’s Vision and Mission. These goals will guide MDOT in tackling the State’s biggest transportation challenges over the next 20 years.

  • Safety & Security: Enhance the safety of transportation system.
  • System Preservation: Preserve and maintain the State’s existing transportation infrastructure and assets.
  • Quality of Service: Maintain and enhance the quality of the service experienced by users of Maryland’s transportation system.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Ensure the delivery of the State’s transportation infrastructure program conserves and enhances Maryland’s natural, historic and cultural resources.
  • Community Vitality: Provide options for the movement of people and goods that support communities and quality of life.
  • Economic Prosperity: Support a healthy and competitive Maryland economy.

Crash Magic Software

Crash Magic is a graphic display and data summary package designed for use in safety management systems for analysis of crash data. It includes detailed collision diagrams, data retrieval, crash summaries, statistical output, and user specified graphic displays. Crash Magic provides traffic safety specialists and law enforcement officials an exceptional tool for identifying crash patterns, high crash locations, and maintenance and operational concerns.

Crash Magic Features

Crash Magic is designed for easy access to traffic crash data. It is capable of generating hundreds of collision diagrams, charts, pin-maps, and listings in the time it would take a technician to generate one. It therefore has a wide range of applications in any setting where officials are concerned with identifying correctable crash patterns.

Superior Collision Diagrams

we’ve developed user customizable schematics, the best poor-data handling, highlighting, single-click reports, dynamic viewers, and true corridor diagrams for route milepost or link-node studies. Starting in version 5, schematics are generated from your ArcGIS Server. That means that the road alignments directly match your street centerlines. Roads may curve, be on an angle, and corridors are properly supported.

Hot Spot Locations

Hot spot locations can be calculated for intersections, nodes or a sliding window route milepost. Hot spot lists include basic location and count information, as well as complex iterative calculations. Lists may be printed, rendered as pins on a map or used to generate other reports such as diagrams, charts or listings.

Pin and Heat Maps

Data from any study can be viewed as a pin map or heat map using ArcGISTM Server. Heat maps are great for showing patterns in large areas, where individual pin maps show each crash and can reflect that crash’s individual attributes. Pin maps can be generated for most systems that can produce high crash location lists.

Summary Charts and Reporting

Charts can be created using any of the fields in the database. Charts can even be built from calculated fields. This feature allows for the creation of charts that reflect very complex combinations of fields. As with all reports in Crash Magic, charts can be added to layouts alongside listings or diagrams for a complete picture of a situation.

Crash Magic Online

Crash Magic is a graphic display and data summary package designed for use in safety management systems for analysis of crash data. Crash Magic online is a browser based crash record analysis software.


Nothing to download or install.

Automatic Updates

Zero administration.

Central Storage

All reports, filters, and charts stored in the cloud.

Need support?  You are our priority, We’ve got you covered.

Rapid response time to service requests, responding to all customer feedback to get in touch.

Our goal is to supply you with the best possible customer service across all our products and solutions. We look forward to helping you make the most of your AlxTel platform.


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